Los Angeles Area Mental Health Resources

If you have thoughts, a plan, or a timeline of ending your life, there is help. Call the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline 988.

Or call the Los Angeles County Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

Crisis Support

Psychiatric Mobile Response Team (PMRT) 1-800-854-7771 24/7 mobile support for assessing intervention in family members or loved ones in Los Angeles County

Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention 1-877-727-4747

Trevor Project 1-800-488-7386 24/7 LGBTQI+ youth suicide hotline

Cal Hope Warm Line 855-845-7415 24/7 non-crisis chats, offered in 50 languages and cultural groups

IPrevail Free chat and coaching programs for all in Los Angeles County

Free, Low Cost or Sliding Therapy (California)

Miracle Mile Community Practice low fee narrative therapy

Airport Marina Counseling Services sliding scale therapy and psychiatry, West Los Angeles

Maple Center low fee therapy, groups and psychiatry, West Los Angeles

Southern California Counseling Center sliding scale therapy, groups and limited psychiatry, Mid-City

Valley Community Counseling affordable online therapy, San Fernando Valley

Rose City Counseling Center low cost psychoanalytic therapy, Pasadena

Wright Center group and individual therapy, West Los Angeles

Relational Center group and individual therapy, Los Angeles

Los Angeles Area LGBTQI+ Resources

LGBTQI+ Center specialized physical and mental health care and therapy groups

Bienestar LGBTQI+ and Latinx health care services and support groups

Los Angeles County 211 LGBTQI+ general resources page (food, shelter, health services, ect)

Therapeutic Reading

Andrew Solomon, Noonday Demon- a poetic account of depression

Andrew Weil, Breathing- simple therapeutic breath work techniques

Bell Hooks, The Will to Change- alternatives to traditional masculinity

Brene Brown, Rising Strong & Daring Greatly- on vulnerability and courage

Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism- about intentional use of our attention and time

Dan Harris, 10% Happier- about healing through meditation (check out the podcast, too)

Deb Dana, Befriending your Nervous System- on regulation and connection through the body

Edmund Bourne, The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook- cognitive therapy tools and worksheets

Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic- about creativity, fear and writer’s block

Alan Gordon, The Way Out- about neuroplastic pain and healing chronic pain

Gabor Mate, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts- Buddhist perspectives on addiction

Resmaa Menakem, My Grandmother’s Hands- explores how racism also lives in the body

Jack Kornfield, The Wise Heart- accessible teaching on classic mindfulness tools

Jackson MacKenzie, Whole Again- on healing from toxic and abusive relationships

Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go, There You Are- about cultivating meditation by the founder of MBSR

Marshall Rosenburg, Speaking Peace- tools on clear and free of conflict communication

Miriam Greenspan, Healing through the Dark Emotions- on what painful emotions have to teach us

Pema Chodron, When Things Fall Apart & Comfortable with Uncertainty- managing difficult emotions

Peter Levine, Freedom from Pain- practical guide to simple somatic and relaxation techniques

Russ Harris, The Happiness Trap- ACT skills to improve well-being and peacefulness

Jenny Odell, How to do Nothing- on creativity and resisting the attention economy

David Richo, How to be and Adult in Relationship- on aspects of mindful love

Sarah Schulman, The Ties that Bind- on the challenges of social and familiar homophobia for LBGTQI+

Kristin Neff, Yin and Yang and Self Compassion- a short and sweet read on self compassion practices

Ta-Nehisi Coates, Between the World and Me- about the construction of race and family

Tricia Hersey, Rest Is Resistance- about how capitalism and white supremacy hijacks our rest and healing